Center for Bio-diversitetInternational Evaluation |
The preliminaries of the International Evaluation.
An international evaluation of all breeding
aspects of the joint Danish efforts within was originally
announced at the start of year 2000 as an investigation where
the evaluation group was to pay visits to selected breeders;
however, nothing happened until December where it was announced
that it was now going to be a questionnaire evaluation.
The lack of information and discussion prior to
the evaluation as to what genetic conservation really is seen in
a breeding perspective has so far led to the deplorable result
that certain breeder associations have only reported addresses
of breeders participating in selection and prize-giving to their
animals, probably with the best of intentions, because these
breeders seen in a selection context possess the ”best” animals.
In this way the evaluation will be ”lopsided” from
the start because breeders involved in pure-breeding and
conservation do not necessarily hear about the evaluation and
are given an opportunity to participate.
The process does not strengthen the credibility of
the evaluation; however, the Centre for Bio-Diversity has in
Loci no. 1-2001 (Enclosure 1 b) and on our homepage urged
breeders of traditional breeds with an interest in pure-breeding
and conservation of genes to approach [SJVF ] The Danish
Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council) and request a
questionnaire; however, we can only reach a fraction or the
breeders who should know about the evaluation and be given a
possibility to express their opinion.
The Centre for Bio-Diversity has provided the
Danish Research Agency with about 100 names and addresses of
breeder associations which should be invited to participate in
the evaluation if an evaluation comprising the total of Danish
efforts within conservation of genetic resources of Danish
domestic animals is to be conducted. The Danish Research Agency
has, however, only sent a briefing to a random selection of
these associations.
We have asked the Danish Research Agency which
breeds fall within the target group and who performed the
selection, but have never received an answer!
The definition ”originally established in Denmark”
used in the evaluation seems rather erratic. It is a fact that
several of the breeds subsidised by the Genetic Resources
Committe originally came from another country ? just like the
Oldenborg Horse and the Kilk (a danish bearded breed of flying
pigeons) which are not subsidised. The Hertha Pointer and
the Kantvingen (a danish storked breed of flying pigeons) are
not included in the Genetic Resources Committee’s publication
”Old Breeds of Danish Domestic Animals” although both breeds
were founded in Denmark and do not exist elsewhere. Several
other examples could be mentioned, and there seems to be no
clear-cut line in the selection of Danish breeds, some breeds
are excluded in spite of a history parallel to some of the
breeds which the Genetic Resources Committe has chosen to give
priority to.
According to the Rio Convention and FAO
recommendations, the individual country has a special obligation
to secure breeds found only in that particular country, and this
includes local or national lines of other breeds which through
many generations of breeding have adapted to the local
conditions. In other words, the countries are to monitor and
protect the total genetic variation.
The Danish definition of conservation-worthy
genetic resources and ”old Danish breeds” has so far been
very limited seen in relation to FAO’s recommendations and the
practice of other countries. For comparison you could have a
look at:
Question 1:
Describe the Association’s efforts (strong and weak sides) to
preserve the genetic resources of the old Danish breeds which
the Association focuses on.
The Centre for Bio-Diversity was founded in 1995
to function as an independent information centre for biological
diversity among domesticated animals and cultivated plants.
Since 1996 the Centre has issued a newsletter in
addition to 2 books.
All activities are based on voluntary work, free
rooms, computer hardware, telephone etc., and financing is one
of the Centre’s weak points.
The membership fees from the presently about 200
support members are the most important source of income; in
addition there are incomes from sale of books, and from time to
time fees for features and other articles.
Applications for major amounts to finance
professional literature, operational costs of secretariat and
salaries fail on the fact that the Green Foundation, which
supports activities following up on the Rio Convention in
Denmark, finds that cultivated plants and domesticated animals
fall outside what they see as conservation of biological
diversity, and the Genetic Resources Committee has very limited
funds for support.
We have, however, received support for printing
costs in connection with the 2 books and a debate and thematical
issue on conservation work in Denmark:
Hans Ranvig: The justification of conserving the
Danish Landrace Fowl. 1. First edition 1997 (Enclosure 2)
- Plum’s Ecological Foundation DKR 2000.
Heine Refsing: Old Danish pigeon breeds 1998.
(Enclosure 3)
- Genetic Resources Committee DKR 25,000.
- DFfR DKR 5000.
Newsletter from Centre for Bio-Diversity no.
4-2000. (Enclosure 4)
- The Green Foundation DKR 11,000.
- Plum’s Ecological Foundation DKR 4500.
Also the Centre for Bio-Diversity is suffering
from the atmosphere within the field as the 2 associations
struggeling The association "Old Danish Breeds" and
"Danish Livestock ?Breeder's Association for Old Danish Breeds"
both openly suspect the Centre of being an accomplice of their
counterpart in spite of our declared neutrality. The first
reaction of other breeders and interest organisations tells much
about the reputation of genetic ressource work in Denmark. They
ask more or less openly: We take it that you are not involved
with "The association Old Danish Breeds" or "Danish Livestock -
Breeder Association for Old Danish Breeds" ?
Question 2:
Which do you find to be the strong and weak sides of the
efforts of the Genetic Resources Committee established by the
Ministry of Food in relation to preservation of the genetic
resources of old Danish breeds in the period starting in 1991
and ending in year 2000?
Strong sides:
The Genetic Resources Committee has become
increasingly active during the period, but apart from that it is
hardly reasonable to ask an NGO to evaluate whether a
governmental committee has done a good or bad job on the basis
of a given grant and mandate. It would require resources outside
our reach to conduct a fair and thorough analysis hereof. None
of the NGOs in Denmark receive funding of a magnitude to finance
salaries and expenses for participation in or management of such
an extensive effort. Therefore we shall abstain from a further
evaluation of the strong sides, and the Government is probably
in control of utilisation of appropriations in conformity with
the planned objectives. We shall therefore limit ourselves to
indicating some problems and launching some suggestions as
answers to Question 2; however, this should not be interpreted
to imply that the work of the Genetic Resources Committee has
only had weak sides over the years passed. We take it that the
Committee has followed its mandate and appropriations
description and done its best within the relatively narrow
framework and the relatively tangled background for cooperation
with breeders and interest organisations.
The Centre for Bio-Diversity has experienced the
Genetic Resources Committee as cooperative and non-bureaucratic
in our limited contact with the Committee.
The Centre for Bio-Diversity has received support
from the Genetic Resources Committee for the following:
1. Publication of the book: Old Danish pigeon
2. Support promise for part of the printing costs
in connection with new book on the Danish Landrace Fowl.
The Centre for Bio-Diversity has from the Genetic
Resources Committee been declined support for the following:
1. A thematical issue on the Danish discussions on
genetic conservation.
2. A grant of DKR 10,000 kr. for professional
litterature and works of reference to strengthen the activities
of the Centre as an independent information centre. (Enclosure
3. An information and discussion campaign of 11
months with at view to creating more dialogue and knowledge
about genetic conservation. In this connection the work with the
International Evaluation. (Enclosure 6)
Securing the populations
The populations are small and do not increase
significantly. The breeding lines are not secured against sudden
disappearance because of dissolution of individual stocks or
exaggerated inbreeding.
Cooperation with NGOs
GRU´s controversy with Oregaard and the
association Old Danish Breeds has not been settled and even
spread to other important breeders.
It is hardly credible that Danish breeders would
refuse to accept subsidies without feeling that they have
important reasons for saying so, and these reasons should be
respected ? unless the breeders’s motive is a wish to acquire a
kind of monopoly ? and this can easily be tested by obliging
The Genetic Resources Committee often refers to
critical breeders being welcome, but being unwilling to
participate and conform to the stipulated conditions.
However, these conditions can be made up in different ways; they
are not inherent in nature.
The assignment has several dimensions:
To preserve the animals in a professionally
responsible way and to make the breeders put this assignment
into practice. In a way breeders are just as important as the
animals, and the concept of professional responsibility may
imply more than one access to the assignment. As long as
straight breeding is practiced in the real meaning of the word.
(cf. Enclosure 7)
The Genetic Resources Committee has apparently
chosen to establish particularly tight ties to a single of the
the many small interest organisations The Association Danish
Livestock ? Breeder's Association for Old Danish Breeds. In the
somewhat ”tricky” cooperation climate, myths often arise and put
the association in a position where unfair doubt is easily cast
on it.
Instead of sending minutes of Genetic Resources
Committee meetings, information about conferences and support
possibilities to a select crowd, all this information should be
presented openly to everybody interested by publishing the
information in due time in the journal ARV & AVL
(Inheritance and Breeding). (Enclosures 8 a, b, c).
Resource prioritisation
So far the resources of the Genetic Resources
Committee have primarily been reserved for animal subsidies. So
far this model may have been the only one feasible because
only few breeds have their own breeder association with a
conservation scope; therefore, the best option for the Committee
has been to support individual breeders with preservation-worthy
animals. In a longer view it is probably not beneficial to
preservation efforts that a patron-client relationship exists
between the Government and the individual breeder. Cheating on
the Government is a rooted popular tradition in Denmark, and
therefore, among other things, it is important that the
individual breeder feels responsibility towards colleagues and
peers in an involved breeder association with a responsibility
for the preservation and breeding of the individual breed. An
involved breeder association will constitute the framework for
the establishment of a professional environment which is far
better than the one arising out of the contact between a
governmental advisory office and the individual breeder. The
Danish Landrace Goat Breeders Association is a good example of
Granting subsidies for major projects may be
better that offering animal subsidies to small stocks of 2-3
animals. The best would be for small stocks to be motivated by
idealism and enthusiasm for breed preservation just like people
keep riding horses for the sake of their pleasure. Granting
subsidies to individual animals may attract people speculating
more in subsidies than in preservation and love for the breed,
and it may result in reducing breeder associations to trade
unions negotiating the size of the subsidies. To small breeders
better conditions are far more important than subsidies.
If a model could be found to support and
strengthen the interest organisations financially and
professionally, it would be a good idea to give this matter
higher priority in future. However, it is important to ensure
that the result will not be the establishment of a small
permanent group receiving a bag of money for internal
distribution which may entice them not to attract new
participants as that would mean more persons to share the same
amount of money. Maybe subsidies could be granted in proportion
to membership fees or similar activity parameters and as
subsidies for individual projects with a future perspective in
relation to animal preservation and distribution.
Who are the owners of the animals?
According to an old saying, we have borrowed the
Earth from future generations. It would benefit the case if a
similar understanding would spread among breeders of non-modern
breeds ? that we have borrowed the old breeds from future
generations and are responsible for nursing the animals during
the time we are involved in breeding activities. A step in that
direction could be a strengthening of the breeding associations
of the individual breeds so that together with the individual
breeders they will be responsible for plannng breeding
activities and monitor that no breeding lines diasppear or
dominate the population. If the individual breeder becomes a
participant of a joint project on planning the future of the
breed, it will create more continuity than what the individual
breeder feels as a master of his own house with the power of
life and death over his own animals.
If breeder associations are granted influence on
the composition of new breeder groups etc. it will also
invalidate the market mechanisms which now distribute the
animals of the most productive, but not necessarily critical,
breeder to the largest number of new breeders.
The professional discussion
We have not succeeded in putting genetic
conservation on the agenda in breeder circles.
Generally, there is still a lack of consciousness
between the difference between conserving phenotypes and
genotypes, and the importance of conserving both genotypes and
the genetic variation both generally and within the individual
However, this is something which not only the
Genetic Resources Committee should be blamed for; there is a
tradition where breeders are often organised in associations
with sports and competition as the primary aim; a governmental
Committee will never succeed in changing such a tradition in the
anti-authoritarian Denmark. A new tradition must necessarily
germinate from the ground among grassroots and preservation
enthusiasts as it has happened in other countries.
Some herd books allow a certain interbreeding
still within the official definition of straight breeding. As
regards pigeons, fowls and other poultry breeds without flock
books inbreeding is not an issue raising doubts at all among
progressive breeders as this is the way that esteemed pioneers
have always acquired results. Breeders stubbornly adhering to
straight breeding of original breeds enjoy no particular esteem
even though they are respected for their point of view.
Therefore, it is of course difficult to avoid inbreeding in pure
breeds when they lead isolated lives, and there is no "official"
understanding of the difference between genotypes and phenotypes
among breeder associations. (Enclosure 9)
In several instances the case of old breeds have
become issues of organisational politics because the old breeder
associations regard the old breeds as phenomena of the past or
competitors to a modern highly improved breed which applies to
dogs and pigeons among others. To those people the old breed
will in certain instances represent all the qualities they have
been fighting for a lifetime while improving the old breed
towards a ”modern ideal”. The professional discussion furthering
the understanding of the preservation worthiness of these
non-modern animals surviving among fanatics or only outside the
inner circles of the exhibitors has never been started.
Among many breeds, inbreeding is furthered by the
breeding principles being cherished because they are rooted in a
very selective and development oriented breeding where only a
few super animals receive prizes or are selected for breeding in
each generation whereas breed-typical individuals showing no
”progress” are excluded from breeding. In the cases where the
selection is organised, the procedures of the breeding
associations for selection and judgment are so cumbersome and
costly, for example as regards dogs and horses, that this factor
in itself is a great limitation of the number of persons even
trying to get potential breeding animals through the eye of the
The basic problems of getting the preservation
work started at all have so far prevented a real opening of
discussions on how to preserve and maintain the special
qualities of the breeds.
The Convention on Biological Diversity emphasises,
not without good reason, in-situ preservation. ”as regards
domesticated or cultivated species shall take place in the
surroundings where they have developed their distinctive
properties”. (Article 2)
However, the question is hardly raised if the
animals preserve their resistance, frugality and other special
characteristics under the conditions they are kept, such as for
Question 3:
Which, in your opinion, are the strong and weak sides in
connection with the entire Danish effort to preserve the genetic
resources of old Danish breeds in the period starting in 1991
and ending in 2000?
Minor animals have been on a retreat during this
period. An ever-increasing number of rules and regulations
threatens to kill the whole culture we have about these breeds.
It is for example the requirement for CHR
registration (sec: Central registration of domestic animals) and
earmarking of even quite small flocks of sheep and goats.
Pigeons sold on markets or used for shows are
subjected to vaccination requirements.
Registration requirements as a seller of fowl even
if you just sell a small surplus of breeding animals to new
breeders or colleagues; it means that you have to keep records
of who you sold a single bantam or pigeon to and store the
information for 5 years. The price of a prime individual of old
Danish fowl varies between DKR 25 and 200 so breeders are
actually forced to choose between giving up or circumventing
Prohibition against sale of surplus eggs from
purebred fowl because you cannot obtain status as a
salmonella-free stock prevents people from the fringe benefits
which have traditionally accompanied a minor poultry keeping and
contributed a little to fodder costs.
Established breeders will probably hang in and
manage by circumventing the rules and regulations; however, the
rules and regulations constitute a barrier to the natural
recruiting which for generations has taken place at markets etc.
Here new potential breeders met breeders and their animals under
unobligating circumstances, maybe bought animals at reasonable
prices and gathered their first experience as to breeding.
During the period from 1991 till 2000, the new rules and
regulations have crushed a century-old market tradition and
reduced the populations as old breeders gradually withdraw from
the scene.
Generally speaking, the rules and regulations
represent overkill and do great damage seen in relation to their
potentially beneficial effect.
When imposing too many rules and regulations and
bureaucratic obstacles on animal husbandry conducted for
non-commercial reasons, the population sizes will become too
small for the breeds to survive in a longer perspective.
Annoyance and inconvenience aroused by such frustrations among
breeders cannot be compensated for by means of animal subsidies
or other forms of financial support. In a highly regulated and
bureaucratic society where the majority already feel overwhelmed
by that type of obligations, extra bureaucracy in relation to
keeping animals as a hobby will often be the last straw that
breaks the camel’s back. It means that breeders will quit or go
over to incidental animals without contact to organised breeder
associations because it will be easier to dodge registration and
bureaucracy. (Enclosures 10 a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
The intended effect on prevention of diseases
could be acquired with better results and without damaging
effects through information on best practice in connection with
breeding and marketing.
The greatest weakness in connection with the overall Danish efforts to preserve the genetic resources of old Danish breeds is the fact that the efforts were not launched within the context in which the animals and the breeders have to survive. One the one hand, information has been distributed on preservation of animals and attempts have been made to keep them; however, other authorities have simultaneously made it still more difficult and impossible to keep animals on a hobby basis because, in some instances, the same set of rules applies to the owner of large industrial animal factory and the owner of a flock of 10 bantams. The balance between these two development trends has unfortunately been very disproportionate and unfavourable to breeders and old breeds which will appear from the higher average age of breeders and decreasing population size of unfashionable breeds.
Ideally speaking, all animals should be
registered, entered into stud books, herd books or flock books
and participate in some form of organised breeding; it is,
however, doubtful if all breeds will ever reach sustainable
populations of fully registered individuals ? this applies for
example to sheep, goats and dogs. In order to pave the way for
broader participation, it is important that hobby breeders be
given better general conditions so that, in addition to the well
organised core, there will be a spare pool of unfashionable
breeds with less documentation on paper.
In cases where still tighter veterinary rules make
life difficult for small breeders, it should be considered if it
would be possible to grant unfashionable breeds outside the
scope of efficient production more lenient rules and regulations
than those applying to industrial production animals raised for
As regards poultry, it could for example comprise
permission to sell a minor quantity of eggs from own production
without salmonella control and without jeopardising food safety.
In turn, it could be relevant to prohibit the sale of industrial
fowl to further egg production as the broken down fowl
constitutes the greatest infection risk to the poultry keeping
of hobby breeders when, after intensive egg production in large
installations, their environment is suddenly changed to outside
fowl runs.
In addition, hobby poultry keeping could be
allowed the same veterinary standard as wild birds in relation
to diseases such as New Castle Disease etc. In reality the
contact between hobby poultry and wild birds is far more
widespread than the contact between hobby fowl and production
It may be desirable to exert a certain selection
pressure on the old breeds in relation to disease resistance as
the potentiality of these breeds for future breeding purposes is
more prominent within these characteristics than within
production characteristics. Therefore, if a model could be
developed allowing unfashionable breeds a less stringent life in
terms of medical and veterinary protection, it would make life
easier for breeders and maintain the genetic potentiality of the
An example of Salmonella control
A poultry breeder in Northern Jutland had 24 fowls
and 3 bantams of 3 different breeds. After the Salmonella deaths
at Ejstrupholm where a family fell ill after eating raw eggs
from fowls originating from a Salmonella-renovated commercial
egg producer, the breeder enrolled for Salmonella control to be
on the safe side.
Manure samples showed a certain infection and
blood tests were to be taken from each individual fowl; the
breeder tried to have each test tube marked with the ring number
of each fowl to be able to identify the disease carriers;
however, this was declined by the district veterinarian officer.
The result was that 7 fowls from the stock were
infected, and the district veterinarian officer found the
percentage to be so high that all fowls were to be destroyed.
The breeder of course wanted to destroy the 7 infected animals,
but it was not possible.
The procedure is quite unreasonable when applied
to hobby breeders who may have been breeding with a pure-bred
strain for half a lifetime and who will have his whole breeding
destroyed because 7 of 24 individuals are disease carriers; the
non-disease carriers have specifically proved their resistance
by not being infected although staying in the environment.
The procedure may be reasonable when applied to a
commercial egg producer because the individual fowls cannot be
identified if the flock comprises thousands of individuals and
has to be replaced when a certain percentage has been infected.
The egg producer’s relationship to his fowls is purely
commercial and can therefore be compensated in the form of
money, whereas the hobby breeder, who does not even have a
commercial interest, may have invested years of his life and
much breeder pleasure, an effort which cannot be compensated in
terms of money. The value of the old breeds can rarely be
calculated in terms of money because their value is of a
genetic, cultural/historic and affective nature.
To the breeder from Northern Jutland the
experience meant that he will not have his new stock examined if
he embarks on fowl breeding again.
The story is a textbook example of how it is
unreasonable to apply the the same procedures to commercial
farming and hobby breeders of non-modern breeds or the same
control model if the obligations prescribed by the Convention on
Biological Diversity are to be observed: ”respect, protect and
conserve knowledge and practice found in local communities
with a traditional lifestyle of importance to the conservation
of the biological diversity” (Article 8j).
As to Salmonella, a reasonable procedure could be
to offer breeders suspecting disease a free test of each
individual and then destroy the disease carriers ascertained.
The result of the present procedure is that breeders do not
utilise the testing option even when suspicious if they have a
unique stock they have been working with for years or a breed
not found in many other places in this country.
Question 4:
In which way do you think that efforts in Denmark to preserve
the genetic resource of old Danish breeds can be strengthened in
the future?
Conservation of the domesticated bio-diversity in
domesticated plants and animals is in Denmark the most
overlooked and least prioritised part of all the fields covered
by the Rio Convention.
The Rio Convention recommends the countries to
stimulate NGO (grassroot) participation in conservation of the
old breeds and varieties of cultural plants and to involve
NGOs in the general conservation of the biological diversity.
The same recommendation has been repeated many
times by FAO, The Nordic Gene Bank and the EU; in actual terms,
however, it has gone the other way since 1992 ? it has become
more difficult for Danish NGOs to participate in the work.
(Enclosure 11)
It would undoubtedly be highly beneficial to the
conservation efforts if biological diversity was seen in a wider
perspective and in a greater context. The Convention on
Biological Diversity expressly specifies that it also covers
preservation of domesticated animals and cultivated varieties of
plants, and that these efforts are to take place "in situ",
meaning in the form of viable population sizes in the original
environment and production system of the breeds.
FAO’s recommendations for the genetic variation
comprise the total genetic variation and do not indicate that
the individual countries shall only make limited efforts for the
breeds produced by the countries themselves. The recommendations
do prescribe that the countries shall make an extra effort for
their own breeds.
Minor animal husbandry is part of our culture as
an agricultural nation since ancient times. Today hobby breeders
and not agriculturists are the ones keeping the old breeds alive
because these animals are of no short-term interest to the
modern, highly efficient agriculture.
If the intentions of the Convention on Biological
Diversity were to be put into practice, life should be made
easier for such breeders; however, the opposite has happened to
a wide extent ? in spite of the beautiful wording and good
intentions of the Convention, a whole culture is being
The extention of the breeds is gradually being
narrowed down to an ever diminishing group of older breeders who
are hanging in because they have had the animals for a lifetime.
However, the undergrowth of new breeders trying on their own and
from which group new breeders of the old breeds are to be
recruited is diminishing.
Unnecessary restrictions and bureaucracy makes it
unreasonably difficult to start up almost unprofitable animal
husbandries of breeds of low or no productivity which are
largely part of a cultural activity.
Today it is easier to keep exotic pets in Denmark
than to keep ordinary non-modern breeds, a development which is
tragic in an old agricultural nation, and a development which is
decimating the populations of old breeds to levels which
are not genetically sustainable, and disregarding our
obligations pursuant to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Actually, there is a great potential for NGO
participation as there are still many people who would like to
keep various kinds of animals. They are often scared off,
however, when confronted with the many rules and regulations
applying to even a minor husbandry.
The international recommendations always formulate
it in the way that NGO ”participation” is to be furthered;
however, as regards small animals in particular, it is not a
question of mere ”participation” in conservation efforts. The
only conservation work being conducted "in-situ" is performed by
the NGOs. This is not with the assistance and support of the
authorities. On the contrary, the conservation work is carried
out despite of the different obstacles established by these
Breeders of both plants and animals have
predominantly gathered negative experience from governmental
authorities, and the fine intentions of the Rio Convention are
largely unknown ? or the fine words just make them smile.
Especially as regards small animals, proliferation
and rearing of these breeds would benefit from deregulation
excepting hobby husbandry from the rules and regulations making
life difficult for breeders, and replacing control and
denigration with information and cooperation.
As breeders of small animals often live in
owner-occupied dwellings located in city districts, a general
safeguarding of Danish citizens’ right to keep small animals
such as poultry, rabbits, goats and sheep to a reasonable extent
would be a great incentive to increase the number of breeders.
This right is rooted in century-long traditions, but has been
curtailed to an ever increasing extent over the last 20 years.
In certain places it is for example prohibited to
keep cocks together with the hens or only one cock is allowed
which makes serious breeding of a race almost impossible.
A general strengthening of the biological
diversity of Danish domestic animals would primarily require
improvements for all small breeders of non-industrial breeds.
Otherwise, the small husbandry and breeder culture catering for
the unfashionable breeds will disappear. The Rio Convention
specifically mentions the importance of conserving the local
culture sustaining the domesticated diversity and the need for
adjustment of legislation and rules to benefit and preserve such
All countries are to:
"identify processes and categories of
activities which have or are likely to have significant
adverse impacts on the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity, and monitor their effects through
sampling and other techniques”
(Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 7 c)
" develop or maintain necessary legislation
and/or other regulatory provisions for the protection of the
threatened species and populations"
"regulate or manage the relevant processes and
categories of activities where a significant adverse effect on
the biological diversity has been determined pursuant to
Article 7"
(Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 8 k
and 8 l)
"integrate consideration of the conservation
and sustainable use of biological resources into national
"adopt measures relating to the use of
biological resources to avoid or minimise adverse impacts on
the biological diversity"
"protect and encourage customary use of
biological resources in accordance with traditional cultural
practices that are compatible with conservation or sustainable
use requirements"
(Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 10 a,
b and c)
In a highly productive agricultural country like
Denmark conservation of unfashionable breeds is particularly of
cultural/historic importance. The animals may gain a productive
importance under very changed production conditions, but it lies
far into an uncertain future. The preservation efforts would
therefore benefit from not justifying the conservation of the
animals on grounds of agricultural production potential, but
instead emphasise conservation of the animals’ original
frugality, resistance and hardiness and let them become part of
a more general effort to preserve the part of the Danish culture
focusing on small-scale animal husbandry for self-sufficiency
and leisure activity without having an eye to productivity
measured in kg and Danish kroner. More emphasis should be
attributed to the quality of life which this way of living
entails for the individual and the importance this culture plays
in keeping rural districts living and active, or to give people
in the owner-occupied housing districts in the cities positive
leisure activity contents. The basis of the small-scale farmer
culture has to be nurtured to further the populations of the
non-modern breeds.
It is important to integrate the preservation of
non-modern breeds in a larger context comprising
preservation of the Danish farming and breeding culture,
environmentally friendly cultivation, preservation of rural
amenities and conservation of the diversity of wild plants and
The Danish inclination to see the wild
bio-diversity and the domesticated bio-diversity as separate
issues should be revised. The extensive small-scale farms have a
positive interplay with the wild bio-diversity which does not
florish on the large intensively farmed agricultural areas. Much
of the Danish flora and fauna has through centuries been adapted
to an interplay with traditional cultivation and animal
Therefore, a strengthening of efforts to preserve
the genetic resources of Danish farm animals should start with
the following:
Enclosure 1:
a - Loci no.2-2001
b - Loci no.1-2001: International evaluation
Enclosure 2: Hans Ranvig: The justification of
conserving the Danish Landrace Fowl. 1997, 1999.
Enclosure 3: Heine Refsing: Old Danish pigeon
breeds 1998.
Enclosure 4: Newsletter from Centre for
Bio-Diversity no. 4-2000 (thematical and discussion issue)
Enclosure 5: Refusal from the Government’s Genetic
Resources Committee.
Enclosure 6: Refusal from the Government’s Genetic
Resources Committee.
Enclosure 7: Feature article in Fyens Stifstidende
29/1 2001: The fight for the old cattle.
Enclosure 8:
a - Danish Livestock’s member journal January
2001, p. 4
b - Danish Livestock’s member journal April 2001,
p. 20
c - Danish Landrace Goat Breeders’ newsletter Feb.
2001 p. 5.
Enclosure 9: Letter to the editor in
”Flyveduebladet” (Flying Pigeons’ Journal) no. 3 June
2001. Letter from Kim.
Enclosure 10:
a - Letter to the editor in the annual journal of
Scottish Highland 1999 p. 38-39: Dancing around the BVD calf.
b - Letter to the editor in ”Racefjerkræ”
(Journal of Danish poultry exhibition society) no. 2 1996 p.
35-36: We are making fools of ourselves
c - Letter to the editor in ”Racefjerkræ”
(Journal of Danish poultry exhibition society) no. 2 1996 p. 36:
Newcastle disease.
d - Editorial in ”Racefjerkræ” (Journal of
Danish poultry exhibition society) no. 12 1996 p. 299:
Understand it who can.
e - Letter to the editor in ”Raceduen” (Journal of
Danish pigeon exhibition society) no. 4 1998 p. 74: Outbreak of
Newcastle Disease
f - Letter to the editor in ”Raceduen” (Journal of
Danish pigeon exhibition society) no. 11 1998 p. 238: Pigeon
g - Letter to the editor in ”Raceduen” (Journal of
Danish pigeon exhibition society) no. 12 1998 p. 272:
Laughing stock.
Enclosure 11: Praktisk Økologi (Journal of
Practical Ecology) no. 2 1997: Bio-diversity ? it’s a long way
from Rio to Brussels.
© Center for Bio-diversitet. Denmark
latest update December 2001.
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Center for Bio-diversitet is an independent NGO/CSO information-center. We aim to promote biological diversity and the protection and conservation of old and new varieties with valuable characteristics.
Editor: Heine Refsing